I have created a DIV with attribute contenteditable=true
and appended children like span
and a
with attributes contenteditable=f
Okay! found the solution... its rather simple than what you would think. I am actually inserting html for links, so using <a>
here. The <a>
tag has attribute set to contenteditable=false and its not getting deleted with a backspace. So I have created an inner <span>
level with contenteditable=true for firefox and that did the trick.
<div contentEditable="true">
<a href="your/url/path" contentEditable="false">
<span contentEditable="true">link here</span>
This is required in Firefox only. Other browsers treat this as expected with the span having content contenteditable=false.
I have faces the same terrible bug and had no choice but to make an elaborate javascript-based solution that listens to keypress events and if backspace was pressed, and the caret was just at the start offset of a text node, and the node before it is an element node, then delete that whole element node.
// credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25397485/104380
var isFF = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i)
var editableElm = document.querySelector('div')
// listen to any key press
if( isFF )
editableElm.addEventListener('keydown', onKeydown)
function onKeydown(e){
if( e.key == "Backspace" ){
var selection = document.getSelection();
// if caret is at the begining of the text node (0), remove previous element
if( selection && selection.anchorOffset == 0 )
<div contenteditable='true'>
Try deleting theme <mark contenteditable='false'>marked</mark> words on <mark contenteditable='false'>Firefox</mark> ok?