I know a very easy way to get the current matrix transformation of any SVG element:
// \'t\' is a string
var t = window.getComputedStyle(nativeElement, null)
In the case if you know that your SVG element has no ancestors wich were transformed you can use SVGelement.getCTM() function for it because it is shorter. I think that CTM in the function name is the short form from «current transformation matrix».
var rect = document.querySelector("#rect");
<rect id="rect" width="10" height="10" transform="scale(2) rotate(45)"/>
Difference rect.getCTM()
vs. rect.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix
But you should be careful about the use from this function because it only gives the same result like from the matrix rect.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix
as long as no ancestor elements have a transform. For example:
var rect = document.querySelector("#rect"),
ctmMatrix = rect.getCTM(),
baseValMatrix = rect.transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix;
console.log('CTM Matrix: translateX = '+ctmMatrix.e+', translateY = '+ctmMatrix.f);
console.log('BaseVal Matrix: translateX = '+baseValMatrix.e+', translateY = '+baseValMatrix.f);
<g transform="translate(35,45)">
<rect id="rect" width="10" height="10" transform="translate(35,45)"/>
I thank @PaulLeBeau for the explanation about the difference between this matrixes.
Consolidation can change your element 'transform' attribute value. You can also get a matrix without changing the transformation attribute by transforming the element matrix to the parent.
See documentation about the:
function getMatrix(element) {
var matrix = element.parentNode
return matrix;
var myrect = document.getElementById("myrect");
<rect id="myrect" width="10" height="10" transform="scale(2) rotate(45)"/>
To get the current transform
attribute as an SVGMatrix
object, you can use:
var myrect = document.getElementById("myrect");
<rect id="myrect" width="10" height="10" transform="scale(2) rotate(45)"/>