Is it possible to inject Spring beans into an RestEasy @Path class? I managed to do it with Jersey, with @InjectParam annotation, but for some other reasons, I need to switc
I totally agree with Peter's answer but there is another way to do it: you make all your exposition beans (RESTEasy or JAX-WS, which are not Spring components) extending the SpringBeanAutowiringSupport
That way you can easily inject your Spring Services by @Autowired annotation in these classes.
Simply annotate your RestEasy class with Spring's @Component and then inject your beans using Spring's @Autowired. Don't forget to include the annotation-config and component-scan elements in your spring configuration.
There is a working example that integrates RestEasy with Spring just try spring-resteasy.
You could use the @Configurable
annotation to make a normal class (created by new
) a spring Bean.
Then you can use the normal Spring annotation to inject everything in that class/instance like in a "normal" Spring Bean.
But that requires AspectJ!
@See Spring Reference Chapter 7.8.1 Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring