I\'m programmatically inserting a NavHostFragment
for each feature of the app. Each NavHostFragment
has it\'s own Navigation
Looks like a misunderstanding on my part (and a bug, also on my part).
If you loop through the fragments in the childFragmentManager
it only ever shows the top-most fragment for some reason.
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.NavHostFragmentTag)) as NavHostFragment
val fragments = navHostFragment.childFragmentManager.fragments
for(fragment in fragments){
// Only prints a single fragment, no matter the backstack size
However, if you print the backstack size like this, you will get the correct answer.
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentByTag(getString(R.string.NavHostFragmentTag)) as NavHostFragment
val backstackCount = navHostFragment.childFragmentManager.backStackEntryCount
println("backstack count: $backstackCount")
At the end of the day this misunderstanding caused me to believe the fragments were not being added to the backstack. All is good.