In my application I have a DataGridView control that displays data for the selected object. When I select a different object (in a combobox above), I need to update the grid
This worked for me.
Basically it involves deriving from the desired control and setting the following styles.
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
Sounds like you want double-buffering:
Although this is mainly used for individual controls, you can implement this in your Windows Forms control or Form.
You may also try this, its work.
public static void DoubleBuffered(Control formControl, bool setting)
Type conType = formControl.GetType();
PropertyInfo pi = conType.GetProperty("DoubleBuffered", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
pi.SetValue(formControl, setting, null);
Unfortunatly, I think that thins might just be a by-product of the .net framework. I am experiencing similar flickering albeit with custom controls. Many of the reference material I have read indicates this, alongside the fact the the double buffering method failed to remove any flickering for me.
Rather than adding the rows of the data grid one at a time, use the DataGridView.Rows.AddRange
method to add all the rows at once. That should only update the display once. There's also a DataGridView.Columns.AddRange
to do the same for the columns.
People seem to forget a simple fix for this:
Object.Visible = false;
//do update work
Object.Visible = true;
I know it seems weird, but that works. When the object is not visible, it won't redraw itself. You still, however, need to do the begin
and end