I am looking to add a link to an image in a CSS style sheet so it will navigate to the link when the image is pressed.
The code for the image itself is:
You could do something like
<a href="http://home.com"><img src="images/logo.png" alt="" id="logo"></a>
You don't add links to style sheets. They are for describing the style of the page. You would change your mark-up or add JavaScript to navigate when the image is clicked.
Based only on your style you would have:
<a href="home.com" id="logo"></a>
You can not do that...
via css the URL
you put on the background-image
is just for the image.
you have to add the href
for your hyperlink in this way:
<a href="http://home.com" id="logo">Your logo</a>
With text-indent
and some other css
you can adjust your a element to show just the image and clicking on it you will go to your link.
I'm here again to show you and explain why my solution is much better:
<a href="http://home.com" id="logo">Your logo name</a>
This block of HTML
is SEO friendly because you have some text inside your link!
How to style it with css:
#logo {
background-image: url(images/logo.png);
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
text-indent: -9999px;
width: 981px;
height: 180px;
Then if you don't care about SEO good to choose the other answer.
I stumbled upon this old listing pondering this same question. My band-aid for this same question was to make my header text into a link. I then changed the color and removed text decoration with CSS. Now to make the entire header picture a link, I expanded the padding of the anchor tag until it reached close to the edge of the header image.... This worked to my satisfaction, and I figured i would share.