I recently began using BIRT and have developed a report to use with my xulrunner application. What I haven\'t yet figured out is how I should deploy the viewer. It seems l
(11/2014) I'm going to add:
download Birt runtime from: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/birt/downloads/drops/R-R1-4_3_0-201306131152/birt-runtime-4_3_0.zip
extract somewhere and set a new Environment variable BIRT_HOME=path_to_where_you_extracted
remember to add your database library into \ReportEngine\lib , (ex: jtds.jar)
Open a console inside ReportEngine dir and run:
genReport.bat -f PDF -o PATH/GENERATED_REPORTS/REPORT.pdf -F "PATH/TO/REPORT.rptdesign"
And that's all what I needed to do
It appears that there is a genReport.bat file in the run-time somewhere that can generate reports from the command line. This appears to be what I need, and this article describes it.