I was using meteor 0.8.x but recently tried to upgrade to 0.9.2. It works locally but I\'m not having any luck with meteor bundle
or meteor build
I had similar problems - I posted my solution over on DO
UPDATE - Here is the answer from that forum:
If anyone else has an issue like this with bcrypt - the app probably has its own copy in
delete that noise. Then do this.
cd /home/yourapp/bundle/programs/server
npm install bcrypt
cp -r /home/yourapp/bundle/programs/server/node_modules/bcrypt /home/yourapp/bundle/programs/server/npm/npm-bcrypt/node_modules/bcrypt/
then start your app and enjoy the meteory goodness.
(for those stumbling here via Google)
Cannot find module 'MODULE-NAME'
Can't find npm module 'MODULE-NAME'
If you've recently added or removed packages while the application is running, try stopping and restarting your meteor application.
// stop ( "CTRL+C" in terminal that launched process )
$ kill `ps ax | grep '[m]eteor' | awk '{print $1}'`
// start
$ meteor