I\'m creating a RMarkdown document that I want to export in MS Word with RStudio.
I want a table of contents and numbered headings. Here is my sample markdown docume
As suggested by Frost_Maggot in the comments,
Maybe try modifying a different style in Word that is shared with R Markdown. If you are not using block quotes in your R markdown this might relate to quote in the MS Word stylings?
This indeed works for me as I don't use the quote
style in my document.
There is a few needs for you : first, page break AND unumbered title (see steps 3 & 4), then, maybe you want to adress the size of your titles (see bonus steps) and maybe there is a necessary last stuff to indicate to MS word (see steps 6). In every case, you should manage your word template properly for made a page-break with header 6 and I guess you've miss a step (I translate from the French interface of MS word, maybe there is a few differences in the English version) :
1) First, open your 'reference_docx' in MS word (which is, for you : "../templates/word-styles-reference-01.docx"). It's a good idea to save a copy of that by security.
2) Define a style for header 6 by right-clicking on it in the 'ribon of styles', then select 'modify'.
3) In the dedicated windows for indicate your 'header 6 style' (first case will be 'name : Title 6'), click on 'Format' button ==> then 'numbering' (or 'numbers') ==> then select 'none' ==> Then validate your choice.
4) In the same dedicated windows for modifying styles of 'title 6', click again on 'Format' ==> then on the 'paragraph' button ==> then the second tab named 'chaining' (or 'linking', in french 'enchaînement') ==> click on 'page break before' ==> then validate.
5) Validate your modifications and save your reference word document.
Bonus step : If you want ONLY a page-break without title, you should define a size of 1 for the police of the title 6. Indicate this in the first screen of 'modifying your title 6' (the one wich begin by 'name : Title 6', after you right-click on your title 6 and then 'modifying'). If you want a note page with a title like 'Notes', you can't define a police size of 1 for your page break.
If the 'title style 6' don't working for made an unumbered page-break, go in the final step (good luck).
5) It's sometimes necessary to go in the list-tools which is in the 'paragraph' ribbon (left to your 'styles ribon') and click on the symbol with a list of '1 / a / i' (the one for define a 'list of several levels') ==> then click on 'define a new list of several levels' ==>
Congratulations, you are free for ms word for a while (except that your titles are in the microsoft blue, and you should write your title in black by playing with every single styles by clicking on 'modifying' for every of them, you should had the same police styles in most of your titles, etc.). Microsoft torture is so elaborate...
Following on from the Blockquote
debate. I found the following solution:
R Markdown
add a block quote with a space
Word template
The block quote is formatted as Block Text
style in Word.
Edit the Block Text