Can Instruments be used as a replacement for
If one wants to check for memory leaks using instruments can it be used
For Xcode 9, if you want to profile a iOS app, an example command like this:
instruments -t Zombies -w 'iPhone SE (11.0.1) [XXX] (Simulator)'
instruments command ref:,Pausing,andStoppingTraces.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40004652-CH12-SW3
Instruments has a command line interface:
$ instruments -h
Example usage:
$ instruments -t mytemplate -a
For leaks, try the Leaks.tracetemplate
. To see all available templates, use -s
There is another executable, just called leaks
. You can inspect any running application by giving leaks
its PID:
$ ps aux | grep "[b]ash" | awk '{print $2}'
$ leaks 620
leaks Report Version: 2.0
Process: bash [620]
Path: /bin/bash
Load Address: 0x100000000
Process 620: 37983 nodes malloced for 1123 KB
Process 620: 0 leaks for 0 total leaked bytes.
Read more about leaks in the Apple developer reference library.