I have a dataframe like this:
match_id inn1 bat bowl runs1 inn2 runs2 is_score_chased
1 1 KKR RCB 222 2 82 1
This is a good case for using apply.
Here there is an example of using apply on two columns.
You can adapt it to your question with this:
def f(x):
return 'yes' if x['run1'] > x['run2'] else 'no'
df['is_score_chased'] = df.apply(f, axis=1)
However, I would suggest filling your column with booleans so you can make it more simple
def f(x):
return x['run1'] > x['run2']
And also using lambdas so you make it in one line
df['is_score_chased'] = df.apply(lambda x: x['run1'] > x['run2'], axis=1)
You can more easily use np.where.
high_scores1['is_score_chased'] = np.where(high_scores1['runs1']>=high_scores1['runs2'],
'yes', 'no')
Typically, if you find yourself trying to iterate explicitly as you were to set a column, there is an abstraction like apply
or where
which will be both faster and more concise.
You need to reference the fact that you are iterating through the dataframe, so;
for i in (high_scores1):