I am trying to create a script to convert two columns in a .csv file which are date and time into unix timestamps. So i need to get the date and time column from each row, c
You don't provide an exerpt from your csv-file, so I'm using this one:
Here's one way to solve your problem:
$ cat foo.csv | while read line ; do echo $line\;$(date -d "${line//;/ }" "+%s") ; done
(EDIT: Removed an uneccessary variable.)
(EDIT2: Altered the date command so the script actually works.)
Now two imporvements:
First: No need for cat foo.csv, just stream that via < foo.csv into the while loop.
Second: No need for echo & tr to create the date stringformat. Just use bash internal pattern and substitute and do it inplace
while read line ; do echo ${line}\;$(date -d "${line//;/ }" +'%s'); done < foo.csv
this should do the job:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=", "}{t=$1" "$2; "date -d \""t"\" +%s"|getline d; print $1,$2,d}' yourCSV.csv
you didn't give any example. and you mentioned csv, so I assume that the column separator in your file should be "comma".
kent$ echo "2011/11/25, 10:00:00"|awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=", "}{t=$1" "$2; "date -d \""t"\" +%s"|getline d; print $1,$2,d}'
2011/11/25, 10:00:00, 1322211600