Can anyone help me better understand how to write a stream?
I understand that a stream is an infinite sequence of values and the way I have learned programming them
It looks like you were asking how to build your own custom streams with thunks, which others have already answered. Just in case, it's worth noting that Racket has a stream library built-in and most Racketeers would use that for streams.
Here's an example:
#lang racket
(require racket/stream)
(define reds (stream-cons "red" reds))
(define red-blues (stream-add-between reds "blue"))
;; show ten of them
(for ([i 10] [e (in-stream red-blues)])
(displayln e))
I am a newbie at this but the following solutions seems to work as well:
(define red-then-blue
(letrec ([f (lambda (x) (cons x(lambda ()(f(cond [(string=? x "red") "blue"]
(lambda () (f "red"))))
For a general understanding of streams in Scheme, I'd recommend section §3.5 Streams in the SICP book. It'll teach you the basic concepts to solve stream-related problems such as the one in the question.
Regarding the problem in the question, here's the general idea to solve it:
and the other "blue"
in SICPI wrote SRFI-41 which describes streams, provides an implementation, and gives many examples. The streams there differ from those in SICP, and are "better" in a way explained in the SRFI.