How to make the width of bars and spaces between them fixed for several barplots using ggplot
, having different number of bars on each plot?
Here is a f
Wrapped the other suggestions in a function that only requires a single graph.
fixedWidth <- function(graph, width=0.1) {
g2 <- graph
#store the old widths
old.unit <- g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width[[1]]
original.attibutes <- attributes(g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width)
#change the widths
g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width <- rep(width,
#copy the attributes (units)
attributes(g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width) <- original.attibutes
#position adjustment (why are the bars justified left???)
d <- (old.unit-g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width[[1]])/2
attributes(d) <- attributes(g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x)
g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x <- g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x+d
It appears the OP simply wants this:
grid.arrange(p1,arrangeGrob(p2,widths=c(1,2),ncol=2), ncol=1)
I am not sure, if it's possible to pass absolute widths to geom_bar
. So, here is an ugly hack:
m <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10))
p1 <- ggplot(m, aes(x,y)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
p2 <- ggplot(m[1:3,], aes(x,y)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
g1 <- ggplotGrob(p1)
g2 <- ggplotGrob(p2)
I used str
to find the correct grob and child. You could use more sophisticated methods to generalize this if necessary.
#store the old widths
old.unit <- g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width[[1]]
#change the widths
g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width <- rep(g1$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width[[1]],
#copy the attributes (units)
attributes(g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width) <- attributes(g1$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width)
#position adjustment (why are the bars justified left???)
d <- (old.unit-g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$width[[1]])/2
attributes(d) <- attributes(g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x)
g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x <- g2$grobs[[4]]$children[[2]]$x+d