I\'m trying to set the maxlength on input fields dynamically using JavaScript. Apparently that is a problem in IE, and I found part of the solution.
If you're using jQuery then why not make full use of its abstractions?
Instead of:
$("input#title").get(0).setAttribute("max_length", 25);
"return limitMe(event, this)");
function limitMe(evt, txt) {
if (evt.which && evt.which == 8) return true;
else return (txt.value.length < txt.getAttribute("max_length");
Do this:
function limitMe(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 8) { return true; }
return this.value.length < $(this).attr("maxLength");
Edit: The reason it's not working in IE is probably because of how you attached the 'onKeyPress' handler, via setAttribute. - This isn't the proper way to register event handlers.