I am getting this strange error on startup. What could be wrong in my environment?
Here is
Do not delete all the full .metadata
Observation : the projects folders are created
Further - if you are using svn/git/hg have code repository links it would be destroyed, so to reinstate
Downfall - sporadic fail error may occur (sync or something) - harmless
Deleting only .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project really helped me with my problem, that was just the same about Initializing Java Tool. Who have this problem should try this solution.
OSX Eclipse Luna was hanging for me at the 30% mark of Initializing Java Tool. After a number of startups and force quit cycles I started eclipse from the command line:
/usr/local/eclipse-luna/eclipse --clean
Then closed eclipse and restarted from the taskbar and all OK This resolved the problem for me
The answer from "raj" is ok, thank you men! it is correct.
In addition to his solution i have to comment. Please save a copy of your .metadata
Take care when you delete the folder: .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project
There is some folder called "RemoteSystemsTempFiles" and now you won't see the trouble when you start eclipse but you will other error when you close eclipse, because the folder "RemoteSystemsTempFiles" doesn't exist into .projects
So you will ned to copy your .metadataCOPIA/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project/RemoteSystemsTempFiles to .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project/RemoteSystemsTempFiles
So, the quick fix to the error "“Initializing Java Tooling.” in Eclipse on startup" for me is:
1- Copy the folder ".metadata" of your workspace in a copy. 2- Delete the folder ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project" 3- Close eclipse > You will get an error on closing eclipse. 4- Copy the folder .metadataCOPIA/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project/RemoteSystemsTempFiles to .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.project/RemoteSystemsTempFiles 5- Star Eclipse and all is ok.
Old question, but I still get this error in Luna. A safe way to clear out the .projects folder is through the UI by deleting all projects without deleting from disk then importing them back into the workspace.
If cleaning .metadata
folder doesn't work for you there's another solution you might want to try. "Just close the eclipse and open it again". That worked for my eclipse-mars running on Windows 7 64 bit OS. I believe it will work for Android projects too which runs in eclipse environment.