How do you list availability of a spacific calendar resource(Room) for a specific DateTime? Like if I want to list all Today\'s events for meeting Room(across all user accou
You will need to be authenticated as a user that has read-access to the room. Then you can take the resourceEmail field of the Calendar Resource API and use it as a calendarId in the events.list() Calendar API call.
You can use freebusy API method for check if meeting room is available. Sample request:
"timeMin": "2018-10-18T06:30:00Z",
"timeMax": "2018-10-18T17:00:00Z",
"items": [
"id": "%CONFERENCE_ROOM Email ID%"
"timeZone": "GMT"
Sample response:
"calendars": {
"busy": [
"start": "2018-10-18T07:45:00Z",
"end": "2018-10-18T09:15:00Z"
// ...
Here you can play with Calendar API Explorer.