In my SQL Server table there is a column slno.
(yes, it contains a dot) that is working fine in SQL Server. However, <%#Eval(\"slno.\")%>
I Used DataBinder.GetPropertyValue() as it follows:
DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(Container.DataItem, "Name of my Fields with(Parentheses)")
and Worked like a Charm on a ASP.NET VB Project.
You can use SELECT AS in your SELECT SQL statement.
SELECT Tabl1.slno. AS slno_no_dot from Table1
<ItemTemplate> <%#Eval("slno_no_dot") %> </ItemTemplate>
<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)["slno."] %>
Alternatively use
<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem, "slno.") %>
For MSDN reference see
EDIT - Another option:
<%# DataBinder.GetPropertyValue(Container.DataItem, "slno.") %>
EDIT 2 - as per comments:
handles the string as an expression which it evaluates using some rules - these rules have special handling for the dot...
OTOH does not apply those rules (which means it is NOT a full replacement for Eval
AFAIK) thus having the ability to handle cases where the dot handling of Eval
leads to problems (like in this case).
Do not use DataBinder.eval()
; eval()
can not read field after dot(.).
Instead, use DataBinder.GetPropertyValue()