I want to combine awk and R language. The thing is that I have a set of *.txt files in a specified directory and that I don\'t know the length of the header from the files.
You can use system
to run an external program from R.
system("gawk --version", intern=TRUE)
Besides Vincent's hint of using system("awk ...", intern=TRUE)
, you can also use the pipe()
function that is part of the usual text connections:
R> sizes <- read.table(pipe("ls -l /tmp | awk '!/^total/ {print $5}'"))
R> summary(sizes)
Min. : 0
1st Qu.: 482
Median : 4096
Mean : 98746
3rd Qu.: 13952
Max. :27662342
Here I am piping a command into awk
and then read all the output from awk
, that could also be a single line:
R> cmd <- "ls -l /tmp | awk '!/^total/ {sum = sum + $5} END {print sum}'"
R> totalsize <- scan(pipe(cmd), quiet=TRUE)
R> totalsize
[1] 116027050