I\'m using awk
to urldecode some text.
If I code the string into the printf
statement like printf \"%s\", \"\\x3D\"
it correct
GNU awk
#!/usr/bin/awk -fn
@include "ord"
RS = "%.."
printf RT ? $0 chr("0x" substr(RT, 2)) : $0
awk -niord '{printf RT?$0chr("0x"substr(RT,2)):$0}' RS=%..
Decoding URL encoding (percent encoding)
This relies on gnu awk's extension of the split function, but this works:
gawk '{ numElems = split($0, arr, /%../, seps);
outStr = ""
for (i = 1; i <= numElems - 1; i++) {
outStr = outStr arr[i]
outStr = outStr sprintf("%c", strtonum("0x" substr(seps[i],2)))
outStr = outStr arr[i]
print outStr
To start with, I'm aware this is an old question, but none of the answers worked for me (restricted to busybox awk)
Two options. To parse stdin:
awk '{for (y=0;y<127;y++) if (y!=37) gsub(sprintf("%%%02x|%%%02X",y,y), y==38 ? "\\&" : sprintf("%c", y));gsub(/%25/, "%");print}'
To take a command line parameter:
awk 'BEGIN {for (y=0;y<127;y++) if (y!=37) gsub(sprintf("%%%02x|%%%02X",y,y), y==38 ? "\\&" : sprintf("%c", y), ARGV[1]);gsub(/%25/, "%", ARGV[1]);print ARGV[1]}' parameter
Have to do %25 last because otherwise strings like %253D get double-parsed, which shouldn't happen.
The inline check for y==38 is because gsub treats & as a special character unless you backslash it.
Since you're using ash and Perl isn't available, I'm assuming that you may not have gawk
For me, using gawk
or busybox awk, your second example works the same as the first (I get "=" from both) unless I use the --posix
option (in which case I get "x3D" for both).
If I use --non-decimal-data
or --traditional
with gawk
I get "=".
What version of AWK are you using (awk
, nawk
, gawk
, busybox - and version number)?
You can coerce the variable's string value into a numeric one by adding zero:
~/busybox/awk 'BEGIN { string="3D"; pre="0x"; hex=pre string; printf "%c", hex+0}'
I don't know how you do this in awk, but it's trivial in perl:
echo "http://example.com/?q=foo%3Dbar" |
perl -pe 's/\+/ /g; s/%([0-9a-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eig'