I\'m reading the date expires cookie (2 hours) from database, and I need to check if this date has passed. What\'s the best way to do this?
For example:
bool HasPassed2hoursFrom(DateTime now, DateTime expires)
return (now - expires).TotalHours >= 2;
Periodically check the date and see if now.CompareTo(expires) > 0
private enum DateComparisonResult
Earlier = -1,
Later = 1,
TheSame = 0
void comapre()
DateTime Date1 = new DateTime(2020,10,1);
DateTime Date2 = new DateTime(2010,10,1);
DateComparisonResult comparison;
comparison = (DateComparisonResult)Date1.CompareTo(Date2);
//Output is "later", means date1 is later than date2
To check if date has passed:
public bool HasExpired(DateTime now)
string expires = ReadDateFromDataBase(); // output example: 21/10/2011 21:31:00
DateTime Expires = DateTime.Parse(expires);
return now.CompareTo(Expires.Add(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0))) > 0;
But since DateTime.Now is very fast and you don't need to pass it as function parameter...
public bool HasExpired()
string expires = ReadDateFromDataBase(); // output example: 21/10/2011 21:31:00
DateTime Expires = DateTime.Parse(expires);
return DateTime.Now.CompareTo(Expires.Add(new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0))) > 0;
You can just use operators
boolean hasExpired = now >= Expires;
public bool HasPassed2hoursFrom(DateTime fromDate, DateTime expireDate)
return expireDate - fromDate > TimeSpan.FromHours(2);