I have been working on an iOS project solely in Xcode. Deployment target is iOS 8.0. After updating to Xcode 6.x, building and testing on my iPhone 5s and i
In my case I was submitting an app that include a framework I had built that was a universal framework - created using lipo (for use with both device and simulator).
After replacing the universal compiled framework with device compiled framework, validation was successful.
To fix this bug I had to go Targets / Build Phases / Expand Copy Bundle Resources and remove the empty.cpp file (my error was about a empty.o file)
Hope this helps someone
I found the solution. XCode seems to have lost track of two of my files (XX.h and XX.c) This file name (with a .o extension) was in the summary of the 1st step of the validation.
I removed the references to both files, added them again and everything works fine. Hope that helps someone!
(Edit: sorry, cannot flag this answer as the right answer, will do so in two days when stackoverflow lets me)
More detailed instructions:
(thanks a million for this post Fynh, your fix made it finally work for me!)