The user has appropriate permissions to read the share, and the share maps properly. This issue seems to happen only in PowerShell v2.0.
If I remove all mapped drive
I do think I found the answer with this:
Test-Path $('filesystem::\\Server\share$\install.wim')
For me the only way to fix it was to use the full UNC, rather than the share name.
So instead of \\server\share
I used \\server\c$\sharedir
Another issue I ran into was when using Import-Module sqlps
, I had to make sure to CD
back into the file system and then the PowerShell commands worked normally.
I had the exact same problem trying two network paths like this:
$verif_X = Test-Path "X:\"
$verif_S = Test-Path "S:\"
if($verif_X -and $verif_S){
Write-Host "X: and S: network paths found"
Write-Host "Not all network paths found"
... At first, I always got > "Not all network paths found" which seemed really strange to me...
Then I tried to put those paths in simple quotes (') and searched for an existing folder inside those both network paths like this:
$verif_X = Test-Path 'X:\ISOs'
$verif_S = Test-Path 'S:\Scripts'
And then
if($verif_X -and $verif_S){[..]}
condition is accepted..
I think the Test-path cmdlet is a bit buggy as we enter only the first letter of a network path... but like this I do not get errors any more...
If the Test-Path
cmdlet is truly buggy, then I'd suggest using the Exists()
method on the System.IO.Directory
.NET class.
[System.IO.Directory]::Exists('G:\'); # This returns $true for me
To validate a UNC, use:
if(-Not(Test-Path "filesystem::\\$server\c$")) {Write-Error "Server not found: $server"; continue}
If Test-Path fails unexpectedly then make sure SMB2=1 (or other SMB setting) is set on both client and target server.
IMPORTANT SMB NOTE: Both current system and target system must have at least on common SMB protocol enabled for Test-Path to succeed. (SMB2 or later strongly recommended.) For example, if target has SMB1 enabled + SMB2 disabled and client has only SMB2 enabled then logic above will return "Server not found...". This threw me off track until I finally checked my target server (Win7) and found it had SMB2=0 (disabled) and no entry for SMB1 (enabled by default). I fixed by setting SMB2=1 per article below.
SMB OS-specific and scripting details:
Excerpt: Win8/Win20012
Detect: Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol
Disable: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false
Enable: Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true
Excerpt: Win7/Win2008R2Server
Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath}
Default configuration = Enabled (No registry key is created), so no SMB1 value will be returned
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 0 –Force
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" SMB1 -Type DWORD -Value 1 –Force
Code sample: Copy-Item a folder (recursive) only if target server exists
$targetServerList="$scriptToolsPath\DeployServerList-INT-POC.txt" #DeployServerList-INT.txt, DeployServerList-QA.txt, DeployServerList-PROD.txt
$VerbosePreference="Continue" #"SilentlyContinue" (default), "Continue", "Stop", "Inquire"
Write-Host "Getting list of servers from $targetServerList to stage deployment files to..."
$serverList = (get-content "$targetServerList")
Write-Verbose "scriptToolsPath=$scriptToolsPath"
Write-Verbose "serverlist=$serverList"
Write-Verbose "stageFolderPath=$StageFolderPath"
Write-Host -Separator "-"
Read-Host -Prompt "READY TO STAGE FILES: Check info above, then press Enter to continue (or Ctrl+C to exit)."
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------"
Write-Host "Staging files to $stageFolderPath on each target server..."
foreach ($server in $serverlist) {
# Input validation
if([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($server)) {continue}
if($server.StartsWith("#")) {Write-Verbose "Comment skipped: $server"; continue} # Skip line if line begins with hashtag comment char
Write-Verbose "Testing filesystem access to $server..."
if(-Not(Test-Path "filesystem::\\$server\$stageTargetDrive$")) {Write-Error "Server not found: $server"; continue}
# TIP: If Test-Path returns false unexpectedly then check if SMB2 is enabled on target server, check SMB1 disabled for both src and target servers.
Write-Verbose "Staging files to $server..."
Copy-Item ".\" -Destination "\\$server\$stageFolderPath" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Continue
Write-Information "Files staged on $server."