I want to use exchangeSubviewAtIndex: withSubviewAtIndex: method.
but how can i get the indexes of those views? i already have their pointers, so I
You can get array index using this.
[view.subViews indexOfObject:yourSubView];
And try to catch that index.
NSInteger index=[view.subViews indexOfObject:yourSubView];
Try this code might be helpful to you...
[View.subviews indexOfObject:SubView];
You can find out the index of your object as you find in NSArray, because view.subviews return an array
NSUInteger index1=[parentView.subviews indexOfSubview:subview1];
NSUInteger index2=[parentView.subviews indexOfSubview:subview2];
[parentView exchangeSubviewAtIndex:index1 withSubviewAtIndex:index2];
You can follow this link for more How to get UIView hierarchy index ??? (i.e. the depth in between the other subviews)
This is how you get it:
[parentView.subviews indexOfObject:subview];
In Swift:
parentView.subviews.firstIndex(of: subview)