DOJO seems to have some quirks here. I specifically need to have the TabContainer hidden when the page loads, but then become visible after the user clicks a button. The fir
There is solution for this. If you want to show TabContainer calll:
dijit.byId("tabContainer") = 'block';
and use 'none' if you want to hide TabContainer.
This works for me, but that is truth, it is not obvious :)
Well, I did not solve this problem, but I came up with a workaround...Creating the TabContainer on the click event, instead of creating it hidden on page load and then showing it on the click event.
<div id="tabContainer">
var tabContainer = new dijit.layout.TabContainer({id:"tabContainer", style:"width:500px;height:200px;"}, dojo.byId('tabContainer'));
//add tabs
The first thing (setting style.display = "none"
) is right. In place of
...then setting style.display = "block"
you should just call .set_visible
JS method of the ajax TabContainer when "...user clicks a button", like:
$find('<%= Tabs.ClientID %>').set_visible(true);
I used this after setting the style display:block and it works great! This way you don't need to know the ID of the container to resize.
you should do
dijit.byId("tabContainer") = 'block'
or perhaps
dijit.byId("tabContainer") = 'hidden';
is even better
If you use dijit.byId("tabContainer").resize(); after you set the display to block it will bring back the tab headers.
You'll save a little bit of javascript if you just use visibility: hidden; (although the tabContainer will still take up space on the page)
Another alternative I use pretty frequently is instead of display: none/block; I use height: 0px/auto;
You could also switch the position to absolute and set the coordinates for off screen somewhere too. That's require a lot more css changes than simply doing the height though. That's my preferred method if it works in my situation.
Between these solutions hopefully one will work for you.