I\'m trying to debug code that I\'ve built from source. It is started with the wrapper from Tanuki.
I\'m debugging inside IntelliJ idea but I\'m not sure that is the
How do you build the project? If you build it with Ant or some other tool, make sure that compilation is performed with debug info enabled (debug=true for Ant javac task). Obfuscation and bytecode instrumentation during the build can also affect the possibility to debug. If you run under some non-standard JVM, it may also cause such problem.
When performing remote debug, ensure the target process is started with the correct JVM options suggested in the IntelliJ IDEA Remote debug configuration. Your wrapper configuration may pass them incorrectly.
I also faced the same problem.Below trick worked for me:
Delete the settings for Intellij Windows User :C:\Users{username}.IntelliJIdea14 This will restart the Intellij for you from the beginning.
This worked for me: http://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/267022. Basically there's another lib in the classpath confusing the debugger. Simply find out which library it is by stepping into during the debug. Then find it on the project and delete it.
In my case, it was an auto generated file that was causing the confusion.
Make sure you don't have a different jar on the classpath (other than the project) with the same classes. You could be stepping through the compiled classes and "breakpointing" in the sources.
happened to me as well, on Eclipse (Mars).
Restart of eclipse solved it... as simple as that...
Hi I also had the same behavior and I got it fixed by installing the latest IntelliJ after removing/rename the folders found in these locations https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/articles/206544519
I had to delet all the versions I previously installed. Just give it a try.