I am using react bootstrap, I am trying to align items vertically within a row but with no luck. My problem is I have a button in one of the columns, so for the other column
You can apply any of Bootstrap's classes to a React Bootstrap component. So, per the Grid System docs, the following columns will both be centered vertically:
<Row className="align-items-center">
If you are using table rows, you can wrap contents within a <div>..</div>
<div classname="align-me"></div>
and then you can use flexbox to align them dynamically:
tr .align-me {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
Simple solutions.
Two classes should be used in immediate parent div/element.
import { Col, Container, Row } from 'react-bootstrap';
<Col md={12}>
<div className="d-flex align-items-center" style={{border: '2px solid green', height: '400px'}} >
<div style={{backgroundColor:'grey', height: '20%'}}>
N.B. - styled has been optionally used to see the effect. items of items.length
is a destructuring array from useState()