I am trying to remove some words from a corpus I have built but it doesn\'t seem to be working. I first run through everything and create a dataframe that lists my words in
If someone gets error like me and above solution still doesn't work, try use:
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, content_transformer(tolower))
instead of paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, tolower)
because tolower()
is a function from base package and returns different structure (I mean changes something in the result type) so you can't use for example paperCorp[[j]]$content
but only paperCorp[[j]]
. It's just a digression, maybe halpful to someone.
I switched some code around and added tolower. The stopwords are all in lowercase, so you need to do that first before you remove stopwords.
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, removePunctuation)
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, removeNumbers)
# added tolower
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, tolower)
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
# moved stripWhitespace
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, stripWhitespace)
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, stemDocument)
Upper case words no longer needed, since we set everything to lower case. You can remove these.
paperCorp <- tm_map(paperCorp, removeWords, c("also", "article", "Article",
"download", "google", "figure",
"fig", "groups","Google", "however",
"high", "human", "levels",
"larger", "may", "number",
"shown", "study", "studies", "this",
"using", "two", "the", "Scholar",
"pubmedncbi", "PubMedNCBI",
"view", "View", "the", "biol",
"via", "image", "doi", "one",
paperCorpPTD <- tm_map(paperCorp, PlainTextDocument)
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(paperCorpPTD)
termFreq <- colSums(as.matrix(dtm))
tf <- data.frame(term = names(termFreq), freq = termFreq)
tf <- tf[order(-tf[,2]),]
term freq
fatty fatty 29568
pparα ppara 23232
acids acids 22848
gene gene 15360
dietary dietary 12864
scholar scholar 11904
tf[tf$term == "study"]
data frame with 0 columns and 1659 rows
And as you can see, the outcome is that study is no longer in the corpus. The rest of the words are also gone