Attempting to use this example to join on an array of IDs:
Stores table snippet
You're using concatMap incorrectly, here's what you want the first part of your query to be.
.concatMap(function (x) {
return x("locations");
Try running that, it should give you:
["5fa96762-...", "80362c86-...", ...]
Now we need to join this to the other table. To join an array of ids to a table you can use eqjoin like so:
array.eqJoin(function (row) { return row; }, table)
There's more details here: rql get multple documents from list of keys rethinkdb in javascript.
Putting it all together we get:
.concatMap(function (x) {
return x("locations")
.eqJoin(function (i) { return i; }, r.table("locations"))
To get back the documents from the stores:
.concatMap(function (x) {
return x("locations").map(function (loc) {
return x.merge({locations: loc});
.eqJoin("locations", r.table("locations"))