I am working on power shell script to export certificate with private key which also includes all the certificates in the path. I wrote a script for that, it is not includin
Updated script to export all certificates matching a particular name and issuer (along with the private key). Make sure you run this with admin privileges:
# Script to export certificate from LocalMachine store along with private key
$Password = "@de08nt2128"; #password to access certificate after exporting
$CertName = "WMSvc-WIN-9KC7DG31JBV"; # name of the certificate to export
$RootCertName = "WMSvc-WIN-9KC7DG31JBV"; # root certificate (the Issuer)
$ExportPathRoot = "C:\DestinationFolder"
$CertListToExport = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\LocalMachine\My | ?{ $_.Subject -Like "*CN=$CertName*" -and $_.Issuer -Like "CN=$RootCertName*" }
foreach($CertToExport in $CertListToExport | Sort-Object Subject)
# Destination Certificate Name should be CN.
# Since subject contains CN, OU and other information,
# extract only upto the next comma (,)
$DestCertName = $DestCertName.Substring(0, $DestCertName.IndexOf(","));
$CertDestPath = Join-Path -Path $ExportPathRoot -ChildPath "$DestCertName.pfx"
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -Force -AsPlainText
# Export PFX certificate along with private key
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $CertToExport -FilePath $CertDestPath -Password $SecurePassword -Verbose
Updates from your scrip
$_.Issuer -eq "CN=$RootCertName"
to work you will have to include OU, O, S information as well so for it to work correctly so I modified it to be $_.Issuer -Like "CN=$RootCertName*"
so that it matches all Issuer's who's name starts with variable $RootCertName
for generating pfx file name will cause the name to be of the format some-cert-name, OU=sometext, O=org, C=country.pfx
so it is better to restrict upt o the next comma (,) so I added $DestCertName.Substring(0, $DestCertName.IndexOf(","))
to export with private key