As I understand it, the build
method can be used to build up a collection of associated records before saving. Then, when calling save
, all the chi
Firstly +1 to @andrea for Transactions
- cool stuff I didn't know
But easiest way here to go is to use accepts_nested_attributes_for
method for model.
Lets make an example. We have got two models: Post title:string
and Comment body:string post:references
lets look into models:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
validates :title, :presence => true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :comments # this is our hero
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
validates :body, :presence => true
You see: we have got some validations here. So let's go to rails console
to do some tests:
post =
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:title=>["can't be blank"]}>
post.title = "My post title"
# now the interesting: adding association
# one comment is ok and second with __empty__ body
post.comments_attributes = [{:body => "My cooment"}, {:body => nil}]
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:"comments.body"=>["can't be blank"]}>
# Cool! everything works fine
# let's now cleean our comments and add some new valid
post.comments_attributes = [{:body => "first comment"}, {:body => "second comment"}]
#=> true
Great! All works fine.
Now lets do the same things with update:
post = Post.last
post.comments.count # We have got already two comments with ID:1 and ID:2
#=> 2
# Lets change first comment's body
post.comments_attributes = [{:id => 1, :body => "Changed body"}] # second comment isn't changed
#=> true
# Now let's check validation
post.comments_attributes => [{:id => 1, :body => nil}]
#=> false
#=> #<OrderedHash {:"comments.body"=>["can't be blank"]}>
This works!
SO how can you use it. In your models the same way, and in views like common forms but with fields_for
tag for association. Also you can use very deep nesting for your association with validations nd it will work perfect.
Try using validates_associated :some_child_records
in your Patient
If you only want this to occur on updates, just use the :on
option like validates_associated :some_child_records, :on => :update
More info here: