I used the following command to run the spark java example of wordcount:-
time spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster --master spark:// --class o
This is possibly a duplicate of Spark 1.2.1 standalone cluster mode spark-submit is not working
I have tried the same steps, but able to run the job. Kindly post the full spark-env.sh and spark-defaults if possible.
This issue is related to IP address alone. Error messages in the log file are not informative. check with following 3 steps:
check your IP address - can be checked with ifconfig or ip commands. If your service is not a Public service. IP addresses with 192.168 should be good enough. cannot be used if you are planning a cluster.
check your environment variable SPARK_MASTER_HOST - check there are no typos in the name of the variable or actual IP address.
env | grep SPARK_
check the port you are planning to use for sparkMaster is free with command netstat. Do not use a port below 1024. For example:
netstat -a | 9123
After your sparkmaster starts running if you are not able see webui from a different machine, then open the webui port with command iptables.
I had this problem and it is because of changing real IP with my IP in /etc/hosts.