VIM thesaurus file

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挽巷 2021-01-04 20:25

I have been poking around for a good solution for a vim thesaurus. The capability is built-in, obviously, but the file everyone seems to use is the mthesaur.txt. While it \'

  • 2021-01-04 21:17

    Script for ~/.vimrc, it needs the file thesaurii.txt (merged dictionaries from and perl.exe in path for searching for synonyms. Script tested on win7 and cygwin perl.

    Calls aspell to do spell correction, if no synonyms are found. See on how to call this function on pressing [tab].

    set thesaurus=thesaurii.txt
    let s:thesaurus_pat = "thesaurii.txt"
    set completeopt+=menuone
    set omnifunc=MoshThesaurusOmniCompleter
    function!    MoshThesaurusOmniCompleter(findstart, base)
        " == First call: find-space-backwards, see :help omnifunc
        if a:findstart
            let s:line = getline('.')
            let s:wordStart = col('.') - 1
            " Check backward, accepting only non-white space
            while s:wordStart > 0 && s:line[s:wordStart - 1] =~ '\S'
                let s:wordStart -= 1
            return s:wordStart
            " == Second call: perl grep thesaurus for word_before_cursor, output: comma separated wordlist
            " == Test: so % and altitude[press <C-x><C-o>]
            let a:word_before_cursor = substitute(a:base,'\W','.','g')
            let s:cmd='perl -ne ''chomp; '
                        \.'next if m/^[;#]/;'
                        \.'print qq/$_,/ if '
                          \.'/\b'.a:word_before_cursor.'\b/io; '' '
            " == To: Debug perl grep cmd, redir to file and echom till redir END.
            " redir >> c:/tmp/vim.log
            " echom s:cmd
            let   s:rawOutput = substitute(system(s:cmd), '\n\+$', '', '')
            " echom s:rawOutput
            let   s:listing = split(s:rawOutput, ',')
            " echom join(s:listing,',')
            " redir END
            if len(s:listing) > 0
              return s:listing
            " Try spell correction with aspell: echo mispeltword | aspell -a
            let s:cmd2 ='echo '.a:word_before_cursor
                \.'|aspell -a'
                \.'|perl -lne ''chomp; next unless s/^[&]\s.*?:\s*//;  print '' '
            let   s:rawOutput2 = substitute(system(s:cmd2), '\n\+$', '', '')
            let   s:listing2 = split(s:rawOutput2, ',\s*')
            if len(s:listing2) > 0
              return s:listing2
            " Search dictionary without word delimiters.
            let s:cmd3='perl -ne ''chomp; '
                        \.'next if m/^[;#]/;'
                        \.'print qq/$_,/ if '
                          \.'/'.a:word_before_cursor.'/io; '' '
            let   s:rawOutput3 = substitute(system(s:cmd3), '\n\+$', '', '')
            let   s:listing3 = split(s:rawOutput3, ',\s*')
            if len(s:listing3) > 0
              return s:listing3
            " Don't return empty list
            return [a:word_before_cursor, '(no synonyms or spell correction)']
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-04 21:21

    If your system is unix-like and if you have awk installed, then I have a simple solution to your problem that gives you access to thesauri in multiple languages without internet connection and without a split window either.

    First download LibreOffice thesauri from:

    for example.

    (Look after th_*.dat files, these are the ones you need, not the .aff and .dic files which work only for spellchecking with Hunspell.) Download the *.dat thesauri of your liking and copy them to a subdirectory of the folder where you will put your plugin; this subdirectory should be called, "thes."

    Now create a new file in your plugin folder (the folder where you should have the "thes" subdirectory with the *.dat thesauri inside) and put the following in this file:

    " offer choice among installed thesauri
    " ==================================================
    let s:thesaurusPath = expand("<sfile>:p:h") . "/thes"
    function! s:PickThesaurus()
        " 1, 1: glob does not ignore any pattern, returns a list
        let thesaurusList = glob(s:thesaurusPath . "/*", 1, 1)
        if len(thesaurusList) == 0
            echo "Nothing found in " . s:thesaurusPath
        let index = 0
        let optionList = []
        for name in thesaurusList
            let index = index + 1
            let shortName = fnamemodify(name, ":t:r")
            let optionList += [index . ". " . shortName]
        let choice = inputlist(["Select thesaurus:"] + optionList)
        let indexFromZero = choice - 1
        if (indexFromZero >= 0) && (indexFromZero < len(thesaurusList))
            let b:thesaurus = thesaurusList[indexFromZero]
    command! Thesaurus call s:PickThesaurus()

    This will allow you to pick the thesaurus of your choice by typing :Thesaurus in Vim's command mode.

    (Actually, if you plan to use only one thesaurus then you don't need any of this; just assign the full name of your thesaurus file to the buffer-local variable, b:thesaurus).

    Finally, add the following to your plugin file:

    " run awk on external thesaurus to find synonyms
    " ==================================================
    function! OmniComplete(findstart, base)
        if ! exists("b:thesaurus")
        if a:findstart
            " first, must find word
            let line = getline('.')
            let wordStart = col('.') - 1
            " check backward, accepting only non-white space
            while wordStart > 0 && line[wordStart - 1] =~ '\S'
                let wordStart -= 1
            return wordStart
            " a word with single quotes would produce a shell error
            if match(a:base, "'") >= 0
            let searchPattern = '/^' . tolower(a:base) . '\|/'
            " search pattern is single-quoted
            let thesaurusMatch = system('awk'
                \ . " '" . searchPattern . ' {printf "%s", NR ":" $0}' . "'"
                \ . " '" . b:thesaurus . "'"
            if thesaurusMatch == ''
            " line info was returned by awk
            let matchingLine = substitute(thesaurusMatch, ':.*$', '', '')
            " entry count was in the thesaurus itself, right of |
            let entryCount = substitute(thesaurusMatch, '^.*|', '', '')
            let firstEntry = matchingLine + 1
            let lastEntry = matchingLine + entryCount
            let rawOutput = system('awk'
                \ . " '" . ' NR == ' . firstEntry . ', NR == ' . lastEntry
                \ . ' {printf "%s", $0}' . "'"
                \ . " '" . b:thesaurus . "'"
            " remove dash tags if any
            let rawOutput = substitute(rawOutput, '^-|', '', '')
            let rawOutput = substitute(rawOutput, '-|', '|', 'g')
            " remove grammatical tags if any
            let rawOutput = substitute(rawOutput, '(.\{-})', '', 'g')
            " clean spaces left by tag removal
            let rawOutput = substitute(rawOutput, '^ *|', '', '')
            let rawOutput = substitute(rawOutput, '| *|', '|', 'g')
            let listing = split(rawOutput, '|')
            return listing
    " configure completion
    " ==================================================
    set omnifunc=OmniComplete
    set completeopt=menuone

    This will allow you to get the synonyms of any word you type in insert mode. While still in insert mode, press Ctrl-X Ctrl-O (or any key combination you mapped on omnicompletion) and a popup menu will show up with the synonym list.

    This solution is very crude as compared to Chong's powerful plugin (see above), but it is lightweight and works well enough for me. I use it with thesauri in four different languages.

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  • 2021-01-04 21:28

    I have written a plugin that can address the two issues you raised here.

    Multi-language Thesaurus Query plugin for Vim

    It improves the using experience in two regards: more sensible synonym choosing mechanism; and better and more flexible synonym source(s).

    Thesaurus_query.vim screen cast

    By default, the plugin uses vim's messagebox for candidate display, with each synonym labeled by a number. And it let user choose the suitable one to replace the word under cursor by typing in its number. It works similar to vim's default spell correction prompt. And drastically reduced the operation time for choosing proper synonym from a long list of candidates.

    To improve the quality of synonym candidates, multiple query backends were used. For English user, two are note worthy.

    • thesaurus_com Backend using as synonym source
    • mthesaur_txt Backend using mthesaur.txt as synonym source

    thesaurus_com Backend will work straight away. For Local Query Backend to work, you will need to download mthesaur.txt and tell the plugin where it is located either by setting variable thesaurus or specifying variable g:tq_mthesaur_file. Or else only Online Backend will be functional.

    By default, Online Query Backend will be used first. But if internet is not available or too slow, future query in the current vim session will be handled by Local Query Backend first to reduce latency time. Priority of these two backends can also be manually altered(see documentation).

    To address the latency issue(which usually stands out when the word is not found), I have introduced a timeout mechanism. You may set

    let g:tq_online_backends_timeout = 0.6

    if your internet is reasonably fast. So that the latency could be reduced to under 0.6 second.

    The plugin is written in Python, though. So you might want to use it with Vim compiled with Python and/or Python3 support.

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