I have a problem relating to template functions and threads:
void Threader(TYPE_size counter)
int main()
Your missing the argument list of your template.
unsigned int counter = 100;
thread one(Threader<unsigned int>,counter);
or, if you are using c++x0/c++11 standard, give your template a standard type like:
template <typename TYPE_size = unsigned int>
void Threader(TYPE_size counter)
int main()
unsigned int counter = 100;
thread one(Threader<>,counter);
cout << counter;
There is no function named Threader. When you write Threader<int>
or something, then the compiler creates a function. If you then write Threader<float>
, then the compiler creates a new function. You can either provide a default template parameter, or give it a parameter when you call it.
template <class TYPE_size=int>
thread one(Threader<int>, counter);
C++11 introduced lambdas, this can be used in this case as well.
Basically, the thread is created with the use of a lambda, where the lambda calls the function that then allows template type deduction to take place.
thread one([counter]() { Threader(counter); });
Above, the counter is captured by value, but as some of the answer suggest, a capture by reference can also be used
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
template <class T>
void Threader(T& counter)
int main()
unsigned int counter = 100;
std::thread one([&counter]() { Threader(counter); });
std::cout << counter;
Note: this question was flagged as a duplicate, hence the addition with the use of newer language features.
I'm taking the liberty of offering a variety of fixes to achieve what I believe is intended behaviour:
#include <thread>
template <typename T>
void Threader(T & counter) // take by reference!
int main()
unsigned int counter = 100;
std::thread one(Threader<unsigned int>, // specify template *instance*
std::ref(counter) ); // pass variable as reference
return counter;