I want to ignore certain characters in my phone input, so that the database just has digits. I know I can do this easy on server side (using PHP) but I am trying to understa
I would strongly advise against changing the user's input or otherwise prevent them from typing something while they're doing it. It is confusing and leads to a bad user experience.
Ideally, you should keep your server-side validation and then use HTML5 features such as these:
<input type="number" /> Allows only numbers
<input type="text" pattern="[0-9. -]*" /> Allows numbers, spaces, periods and hyphens
<input type="text" required /> Specifies a required field
Modern browsers will prevent the form from being submitted and present helpful error message to the user (which you can customise with a title
However, for general reference, return false;
doesn't necessarily cancel the event. To do that, you should use this:
// if you haven't already:
e = e || window.event;
// to cancel the event:
if( e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
return false;
I had to do something similar for a project I'm working on. This is how I did it.
// prevent users from typing alpha/ symbol characters on select fields
$("#modal-region").on("keydown", "#markdown, #sku", function(e) {
var key = e.which;
// when a keydown event occurs on the 0-9 keys the value
// of the "which" property is between 48 - 57
// therefore anything with a value greater than 57 is NOT a numeric key
if ( key > 57) {
} else if (key < 48) {
// we don't want to disable left arrow (37), right arrow (39), delete (8) or tab (9)
// otherwise the use cannot correct their entry or tab into the next field!
if (key != 8 && key != 9 && key != 37 && key != 39 ) {