Using a batch file would it be possible to do something like:
if return success do ECHO You are connected to the internet
else return
You can use following snippet:
@echo off
Ping -n 1 -w 1000
if errorlevel 1 echo Not connected
I understand this is an old thread, but here's my contribution anyways.
@echo off
TITLE Network Connection Watchdog
:: Use Windows "Task Scheduler".
:: Set to run at "Startup" with a delay and interval of your choice.
:: Remember to tick "Run with highest privileges".
:: Last command will only be executed if all pings fail.
set /a pc=0
set /a total=0
:: Your preferences
set if="Wi-fi" &:: Find your interface name with [netsh interface show interface].
set ip=
set /a pt=10 &:: Set amount of pings to be executed.
set /a pc+=1
ping %ip% -n 1 -w 100 | find "TTL=" >NUL 2>&1
for /f %%a in ('echo %errorlevel%') do set p%pc%=%%a
set /a total+=p%pc%
if not %pc%==%pt% goto loop
if not %total%==%pt% (
goto eof
) else (
netsh interface set interface %if% disable
ping localhost -n 5 >NUL 2>&1
netsh interface set interface %if% enable