The simplest solution is to use the that
var that = this; //that is a normal variable
//so it is lexically scoped
//and can be used in inner functions
socket.on('connect', function(data){
var p = that.NickName;
Another possibility is explicitily binding the correct this to the callback function
socket.on('connect', function(data){
var p = this.Nickname;
The that
trick has the advantage of nesting to as many callbacks as you want and the bind version has the advantage of allowing you to still use "this" inside.
A disadvantage of the bind method is that it is not supported in IE<=8 so you might need to use a shim if you need to support ancient browsers.
edit: This answer is a bit old. Nowadays you probably don't need to worry about IE6 anymore and you might be able to use fat arrow syntax, which doesn't overwrite the this