Is it possible to use context bounds in type aliases in Scala?
type U = A : B
Instead of having a context bound directly in the type declaration, you'd have to have a separate value declaration that represents the implicit parameter mentioned by JPP.
Whoever defines the type will also have to provide the evidence for the context bound:
trait Generic {
type U
implicit val ordering: Ordering[U] // evidence for U: Ordering
def max(u1: U, u2: U) = List(u1, u2).max
def concrete[T: Ordering] = new Generic {
type U = T
val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[T]]
assert(concrete[Int].max(1,3) == 3)
No, because the context bound is actually a shorthand for an extra implicit parameter.
For instance:
def sort[A : Ordering](xs: Seq[A])
is a shorthand form for
def sort[A](xs: Seq[A])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
and this cannot be represented in a type definition.