I am trying to format the table using gridExtra
package. The gridExtra
package I have is 2.0
and R version is 3.2.1
I was goin
This recent answer shows how to alter the parameters, and Baptiste gives a link to further examples. As you notice in your question, to alter the formatting you use the theme
argument; you can see what parameters to alter by looking at the output of ttheme_default()
# New theme paramters
myt <- ttheme_default(
# Use hjust and x to left justify the text
# Alternate the row fill colours
core = list(fg_params=list(hjust = 1, x=1),
bg_params=list(fill=c("yellow", "pink"))),
# Change column header to white text and red background
colhead = list(fg_params=list(col="white"),
# Example data - create some large numbers
dat <- mtcars[1:5,1:5]
dat$mpg <- dat$mpg*1000
grid.draw(tableGrob(format(dat, big.mark=","), theme=myt, rows=NULL))
The big.mark
argument of format
is used to add the comma separator, and rownames are removed using the rows=NULL