We had a rare exception occur when reading the standard .Net user settings (this are the ones found in \"project properties\" in VS 2008):
The way to programmatically recover is to do what you did manually - delete the user settings file. Then call Settings.Reset
. (You could also write a new user settings file with default values instead of deleting it, but if you're using the configuration manager properly that's essentially the same thing.)
This is a pretty rare occurrence, but it's not totally unheard of. Not only can your program crash while writing the user settings file, the file itself is user-writeable, so other programs the user runs could mess with it.
To avoid this particular vulnerability, persist user settings in a durable store with transactional integrity, i.e. a database. (You'll still have vulnerabilities, just not this one.) That's a lot of work for what in most cases will be a marginal improvement in reliability. But "in most cases" doesn't mean "in all cases;" yours may warrant it.
Here's a solution that does not require you to exit the application with kudos to Jarle (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/30216/Handling-Corrupt-user-config-Settings?msg=3608682#xx3608682xx). Early on, before Settings ever gets called, use this
public static bool CheckSettings()
var isReset = false;
catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex)
string filename = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex.Filename))
filename = ex.Filename;
var innerEx = ex.InnerException as ConfigurationErrorsException;
if (innerEx != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(innerEx.Filename))
filename = innerEx.Filename;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
var fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(filename);
var watcher
= new System.IO.FileSystemWatcher(fileInfo.Directory.FullName, fileInfo.Name);
isReset = true;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
return isReset;
Essentially, rather than relying on Sittings to throw the error, read the file with the ConfigurationManager, that way the system's version never gets into a bad state.
private static void Main(string[] args)
// ...
catch (System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException ex)
var config = ((System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException)ex.InnerException).Filename;
// notify user, ask them to restart