Previous Behavior:
Changing the route or navigation path would not affect the scroll position when navigating to another route. I.e the contents can
if scroll restoration doesnt work , Create a service that updates the current scroll Position on the change of that route and assign the scroll position to that service scroll position on ngOnit for the new route component and reset the service scroll.
The scroll position won't change after the route is changed. This is always the default behaviour for Angular.
However, lots of devs are manually doing a window.scroll(0, 0)
to overwrite this behaviour.
I would suggest you check if something in your code is doing this. Because it might be a newly installed 3rd party library or another developer's code commit.
Also, according to the following official article:
Angular v6.1 Now Available — TypeScript 2.9, Scroll Positioning, and more
There is a new option to keep the original scroll position by using
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled'})
I believe this is not directly related to the question you are asking but just something good to know.
if it doesnt work with ScrollPositionRestoration:'enabled' configuration use the [scrollTop] property binding for the container and assign the value
Seems like setting 'scrollPositionRestoration' to disabled fixes it
{ scrollPositionRestoration: 'disabled' } // <-- HERE