I have the following:
Item 2
In webkit I can easily style this with css. Firefox is ignorin
div[contenteditable] {
background: white;
div[contenteditable="true"] {
/* your style here */
simone's answer was mostly correct except there needs to be quotes around "true" in [contenteditable="true"]
Turns out that if you use position:absolute FF auto adds resizers and a grab handler and sets the background to white. You can't override these seetings, well only resizers. Another -1 for FF.
A transparent background gif or png should do the trick
You can match the div with this code
div[contenteditable=true] {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0); /* transparent bg */
resize:none; /* disable resizing */
When overriding styles for a contentEditable panel, the css selector I found that firefox was adding a css-selectable "focus-ring" to my root contentEditable node
:-moz-focusring:not(input):not(button):not(select):not(textarea):not(iframe):not(frame):not(body):not(html) { outline: 1px dotted;}
Try variants of:
-moz-focusring or -moz-focusring[contentEditable='true']
You may want the aforementioned styles:
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
But, you may need to firebug lookup the -moz specific resize parameter to disable.
For cross-browser stylesheet tests, just browse to this test data url:
data:text/html,<div style='position:absolute;left:100;top:50;width:200;height:300;background-color:rgb(50,50,80)'><div contenteditable>Test<br/>Test </div></div> <style contenteditable>head, title, style {display: block;} :-moz-focusring{background: transparent}</style>