I\'m using WMI (Win32_NetworkAdapter) and trying to get the details of attached physical network adapters either wired or wireless and avoid virtual adapters, etc.
You can use new WMI class MSFT_NetAdapter in 'root\StandardCimv2' namespace. This class was introduced in Windows 8.
We can use property ConnectorPresent to filter only to physical adapters. Next we must eliminate Wi-Fi adapters (which is present among physical adapters), we can use InterfaceType and/or NdisPhysicalMedium properties.
InterfaceType is defined by the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA) and for all ethernet-like interfaces is value ethernetCsmacd (6) (see https://www.iana.org/assignments/ianaiftype-mib/ianaiftype-mib).
In NdisPhysicalMedium is for ethernet adapters values 0 or 802.3 (14).
So my solution for this in C# is:
var objectSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\StandardCimv2", $@"select Name, InterfaceName, InterfaceType, NdisPhysicalMedium from MSFT_NetAdapter where ConnectorPresent=1"); //Physical adapter
int count = 0;
foreach (var managementObject in objectSearcher.Get())
//The locally unique identifier for the network interface. in InterfaceType_NetluidIndex format. Ex: Ethernet_2.
string interfaceName = managementObject["InterfaceName"]?.ToString();
//The interface type as defined by the Internet Assigned Names Authority (IANA).
UInt32 interfaceType = Convert.ToUInt32(managementObject["InterfaceType"]);
//The types of physical media that the network adapter supports.
UInt32 ndisPhysicalMedium = Convert.ToUInt32(managementObject["NdisPhysicalMedium"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(interfaceName) &&
interfaceType == 6 && //ethernetCsmacd(6) --for all ethernet-like interfaces, regardless of speed, as per RFC3635
(ndisPhysicalMedium == 0 || ndisPhysicalMedium == 14)) //802.3
return count;
catch (ManagementException)
//Run-time requirements WMI MSFT_NetAdapter class is included in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
I see this is an old question, but I have found an answer elsewhere on the internet which gives a description of how this can be done (scroll all the way down to the comments).
The comment-er's technique allows the identification of WiFi and Bluetooth interfaces, where all other types may be grouped together. If the goal is only to separate the WiFi from the Ethernet adapters, it should be sufficient.
The queries are (Powershell sample):
$nics = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/CIMV2" -Query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter"
$types = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root/WMI" -Query "SELECT * FROM MSNdis_PhysicalMediumType"
The first query is the common approach which will provide the list of adapters. As previously noted, it can be filtered to only include valid, physical devices by a number of other selection criteria.
The second query returns a WMI object with a NdisPhysicalMediumType
property, which according to the linked site, has the value 9 for WiFi, 10 for Bluetooth, and 0 for Ethernet and most other adapter types.
It looks like joining these two queries has to be done manually in script using the Name
or Description
property of the first query and the InstanceName
property of the second.
select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter where NetConnectionID LIKE "%Wireless%" or NetConnectionID LIKE "%Wi-Fi%"