I\'m new to working with XML, and I\'ve encountered a weird problem while trying to get a specific tag from a spring.net configuration file. After trying to narrow down the
You need to search for tags in that namespace:
XNamespace ns = "aaa";
xmlFile.Descendants(ns + "B").ToList()
You should specify the namespace when querying for the elements.
You can use the GetDefaultNamespace method to avoid hard-coding it. It's also useful if you don't know what it is ahead of time.
var ns = xmlFile.GetDefaultNamespace();
var nodes = xmlFile.Descendants(ns + "B").ToList();
Just for completeness sake:
var lst = doc.Descendants("{aaa}B").ToList();
(what the other told is correct, but I wanted to give another option :-) )
For ultra completeness-sake, if you want to search ignoring the namespace:
var lst = doc.Descendants().Where(p => p.Name.LocalName == "B").ToList();