How do you iterate through a list of objects?

后端 未结 5 762
南笙 2021-01-04 11:23

I have a User class that has a String username in it. I have a list of users that I\'m trying to display in a table using


  • 2021-01-04 11:54

    First, in Struts2 2.1.x the id attribute is deprecated, var should be used instead (ref)

    I think the # is misused there. Besides, "list" seems a bad name for what is to be assigned in each iteration... I think "user" is more appropiate.

    IIRC, the syntax is

     <s:iterator value="users" var="user">
      ...  <s:property value="#user.username" />

    Further, you don't need to assign the current item in the iterator for such a simple case. THis should also work:

     <s:iterator value="users">
      ...  <s:property value="username" />

    Also you might want to try this:

      <s:iterator value="users">
          ...  <s:property />      <!-- this outputs the full object, may be useful for debugging -->

    UPDATE: I corrected the bit about the #, it was ok.

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  • 2021-01-04 11:58

    You can do like this

    <s:iterator value="users" >
        <td><s:property value="username" /></td>

    Observe that no need of #list there.

    The other way is

    <s:iterator value="users" var="user">
        <td><s:property value="#user.username" /></td>

    insetead of id give it as var.Since we don’t specify a scope for var, this new user reference exists in the default “action” scope—the ActionContext. As you can see, we then reference it with the # operator.

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  • 2021-01-04 11:58

    Struts 1.x takes care of your inner properties like this.

    < logic:iterate id="user" name="userList"> < bean:write property="${userName}"/ > < /logic:iterate>

    I guess as per ur example u can have. You may not need "#list." again in the value attribute < s:iterator value="users" id="list"> < s:property value="userName" /> < / s:iterator>

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  • 2021-01-04 12:00

    You can use JSTL with Struts. It has a <c:forEach> tag in its core library that will allow you to iterate through a list or any other collection easily.

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  • 2021-01-04 12:06
    <s:iterator value="users" var="eachUser">
     <s:property value="#eachUser.username">

    Check this for more such examples

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