I\'ve been handed a list of files from the backend of an application that are supposed to be jpeg files. However for the life of me I haven\'t been able to convert them into
The same thing but a bit simpler
from PIL import Image
import io
If image is on the web; you need to download it first.
import requests
image = requests.get(image_url).content #download image from web
And then pass it to io module.
If image is in your hd; you can open directly with PIL.
Image.open('image_file.jpg') #image in your HD
For me, none of the solutions above worked.
I finally managed to read the string properly like this:
from PIL import Image
img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (640, 480), img_str, 'raw')
To test it, you can do something like
image = Image.open("some.png")
print(image.mode, image.size) # OUT: 'RGB' (640, 480)
image = Image.frombytes('RGB', (640, 480), image.tobytes(), 'raw')
You should be able to pass a StringIO object to PIL and open it that way.
from PIL import Image
import StringIO
tempBuff = StringIO.StringIO()
tempBuff.seek(0) #need to jump back to the beginning before handing it off to PIL