I have a maven3 multimodule project, and for a strange reason i need to customize POM filename for one of my child module (ie: module-pom.xml)
Is it possible to conf
I would suggest to change the folder structure into the following.
root (pom.xml)
+-- closed-core
+-- closed-web
+-- closed-webserver
+-- closed-spring
+-- lgpl-reactor
+-- lgpl-lib
+-- lgpl-dist
+-- lgpl-etc..
Than you don't need a separte module-pom.xml file. You can work with pom.xml as default.
If you wan't to build lgpl-reactory you can simply give:
mvn -pl lgpl-reactory clean package
if you have dependencies within the other modules to lgpl you can use:
mvn -am -pl lgpl-reactory clean package
This will build also all dependent modules.
You can override default pom.xml. Maven have -f command option.
mvn -f <path>/pom.xml clean install
A solution is to apply the inverse logic, and use "mvn -f standalone-pom.xml clean package" to build lgpl-reactor as a standalone project ... But it'll be better if standalone project is build with a standard maven2 command line.