Recently I have been using Interceptors with Angular HttpClient.
I add headers corresponding to some HTTP GET methods and for some I do not need those headers.
I know it is too late however, we still do not have any solution from Angular. An easy workaround at the moment is to create a BehaviorSubject and activate the Interceptor according to the value it. With this, you are able to handle specifics HTTP requests the must use your Interceptors:
public interceptorTwo = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(null);
someHttpmethod() {;
// Add your CODE http<any>('someUrl', data).finally(() =>;
const setAuth = this.yourService.interceptorTwo.value;
if (!setAuth) {
return next.handle(req);
Note: I haven't tried this approach myself yet but have played with the idea because we are looking at a similar problem.
If we had very simple requirements, it would be trivial to add logic in a general purpose interceptor and just decide based on URL/Method which kind of interception to perform. However, our angular app needs to call a variety of 1st party micro-services and 3rd party APIs with different requirements for interceptors. This is effectively a superset of your requirements.
One idea to implement this is to extend HttpClient for each API/Service that we need to call and set up a custom injection token for the interceptor chain. You can see how angular registers the default HttpClient
providers: [
// HttpHandler is the backend + interceptors and is constructed
// using the interceptingHandler factory function.
provide: HttpHandler,
useFactory: interceptingHandler,
deps: [HttpBackend, [new Optional(), new Inject(HTTP_INTERCEPTORS)]],
The interceptingHandler
function is even exported as ɵinterceptingHandler
. I agree this looks a little weird, not sure why it has that export name.
Anyawy, to use a custom HttpClients you can probably:
export const MY_HTTP_INTERCEPTORS = new InjectionToken<HttpInterceptor[]>('MY_HTTP_INTERCEPTORS');
providers: [
provide: MyHttpHandler,
useFactory: interceptingHandler,
deps: [HttpBackend, [new Optional(), new Inject(MY_HTTP_INTERCEPTORS)]],
And make sure that MyHttpClient
requires a MyHttpHandler
in its constructor.