I\'ve scoured related questions and still have a problem updating nested attributes in rails 4 through JSON returned from my AngularJS front-end.
You can also monkey patch parameter wrapping to always include nested_attributes by putting this into eg wrap_parameters.rb
module ActionController
module ParamsWrapper
Options.class_eval do
def include
return super if @include_set
m = model
synchronize do
return super if @include_set
@include_set = true
unless super || exclude
if m.respond_to?(:attribute_names) && m.attribute_names.any?
self.include = m.attribute_names + nested_attributes_names_array_of(m)
# added method. by default code was equivalent to this equaling to []
def nested_attributes_names_array_of model
model.nested_attributes_options.keys.map { |nested_attribute_name|
nested_attribute_name.to_s + '_attributes'
I've also been working with a JSON API between Rails and AngularJS. I used the same solution as RTPnomad, but found a way to not have to hardcode the include attributes:
class CandidatesController < ApplicationController
respond_to :json
nested_attributes_names = Candidate.nested_attributes_options.keys.map do |key|
wrap_parameters include: Candidate.attribute_names + nested_attributes_names,
format: :json
# ...
Refer to this issue in Rails to see if/when they fix this problem.
Update 10/17
Pending a PR merge here: rails/rails#19254.
I figured out one way to resolve my issue based on the rails documentation at: http://edgeapi.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/ParamsWrapper.html
Basically, Rails ParamsWrapper is enabled by default to wrap JSON from the front-end with a root element for consumption in Rails since AngularJS does not return data in a root wrapped element. The above documentation contains the following:
"On ActiveRecord models with no :include or :exclude option set, it will only wrap the parameters returned by the class method attribute_names."
Which means that I must explicitly include nested attributes with the following statement to ensure Rails includes all of the elements:
class CandidatesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user!
respond_to :json
wrap_parameters include: [:id, :nickname, :works_attributes]
Please add another answer to this question if there is a better way to pass JSON data between AngularJS and Rails