I\'m kind of stuck with that problem. Hope i\'ll get some help. Here\'s the point. I have to fill my DataGridView with that SQL request :
The problem is that your anonymous types are not the same type.
One is { ? NumLot, ? EtatLot, string NomEmploye }
and the other is { ? NumLot, ? EtatLot, string test }
. The last member has a different name hence it is a different type.
Try this instead:
var listeLotControle =
from x in entBoum.LOT
join aff in entBoum.AFFECTATION_LOT on x.NumLot equals aff.NumLot
join emp in entBoum.EMPLOYE on aff.IdEmploye equals emp.IdEmploye
where x.EtatLot.Contains("Libéré") || x.EtatLot.Contains("Suspendu") || x.EtatLot.Contains("Démarré")
select new { x.NumLot, x.EtatLot, emp.NomEmploye }
from x in entBoum.LOT
where x.EtatLot.Contains("Démarré")
select new { x.NumLot, x.EtatLot, NomEmploye = test }
When I only look at your last try I see this:
select new { x.NumLot, x.EtatLot, emp.NomEmploye };
select new { x.NumLot, x.EtatLot, test };
You can never assign or cast one list of anonymous type to another as long as all their properties do not have equal type and name.
EDIT: Write select new { x.NumLot, x.EtatLot, NomEmploye = test };
for the second one instead.
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